Documentary Production
What happens when something terribly wrong becomes normality, and gets swept under the rug for a long time?
Documentary films where History, Social Sciences, Psychology, and Faith bring together a new light on Taboo. Where is the threashold between tradition and abuse when it comes to Roma culture in Romania? to name just one ethnicity.
Documentary films about social justice, real-life protagonists, and their mind-blowing stories
Poverty Around the World
Take a look at projects we have that need your support to become documentaries. Please help us with whatever you have. Even $10 make a difference. Let us know if you would offer recurring payments. We’ll provide a dedicated invoice. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Traditions and Crafts
“Tiny Bukovina from Canada” documentary is about the first Romanian pioneers in Alberta, Canada, in the late 1800s. How immigration was back then, find out in this documentary.
Destiny Productions presents a collection of thought-provoking social justice documentaries soon available on Netflix and Hulu. These films embody the raw essence of truth and engage viewers on a profound level. Crafting a meaningful storyline requires unwavering dedication and time, akin to an art form.
As we navigate the path of education and honed our skills, we understand the importance of going above and beyond to create a captivating narrative. Join us as we explore popular movies addressing social issues and advocating for equality on platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Apple TV. Step into the realm of social justice documentaries, where stories come alive and ignite change. Discover the power of film with our selection of old and new releases and enjoy these impactful movies.