Another Little Romania


2018, Canada 

Director Daniela Apostoaei

Immigration and integration stories of diverse Romanians in Alberta, Canada


Another Little Romania is a pilot chapter in a storytelling book with Romanian background characters and their unique stories. Written pages under the sign of the destiny in various times with diverse people of random ages are brought together in a bouquet called life. This life has beauty and fragrance only through peoples’ stories.

Core Team


Daniela Apostoaei



Ryan Stockert



Tara Klager

Script Advisor


Codrut Miron



Florentin Nastase



The film “Another Little Romania” promotes the Romanian community in Alberta by highlighting their culture and traditions. Through the life-changing experiences of the interviewees during the immigration process, a new perspective is uncovered revealing  social, cultural, political and economical challenges.

In the introduction, scenes present parallel between the past Romanian community in Alberta and the present. The immigration phenomenon before the Romanian Revolution in 1989 is also explored through testimonies and personal experiences of those who arrived on Canadian soil during the Communist regime. Lives under the hand of destiny, moving stories, experiences, sometimes hard to imagine, broken dreams and sudden hopes are some of the stories that are uncovered within this documentary. The interviewees` backgrounds are very diverse and the variety of subjects help broaden the perspective of the story, making it relatable and current. By hearing their life stories, the audience is able to empathize with more than one subject who may or may not still be influenced by the Romanian culture.

The story resonates with the Alberta audience which has a large population of farmers that were brought into a new Canadian world since the end of the 19 th century, from the European countries such as : Romania, Ukraine, The Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Germany. If we look closely, the Six Degrees of separation concept applies to Alberta in that many of us know at least one person whose parents or grandparents came from one of those countries and could relate to the story
told by our film.

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