Christmas 2021

and Happy New Year all!

Christmas 2021 – Destiny

Christmas Greetings from Destiny Productions, 1′ 06″

Director: Daniela Cupse Apostoaei, Editor: Codrut Miron …

In this most festive season, we extend our gratitude to our friends and contributors for supporting us in our cause with all your heart. We are fortunate to have such amazing friends and we sincerely thank you for offering us the help we called for. We pray for your happiness and health, and are sending our warm wishes to you and your loved ones!

Merry Christmas and full pursuit of happiness in the New Year!


Illustration Codrut Miron

When the Apostles first inquired about who Jesus Christ was, they were invited to “come and see.” Christ could not be explained, only experienced. As we experience our lives, we also experience God in Trinity as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Christmas brings a unique experience and an unprecedented event in human history. No matter where we are in our journey, we still have so much to learn from Jesus’ birth, His life, and everything after. May God bless you all in everything good you think, plan, and do!

Don’t forget to visit our online Shop, as every penny you spend on our website goes to our work in documentary creation, books, technical equipment, legal fees, events. Thank you!

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